Have a blessed morning to everyone out there who maybe is reading this.
Potschochter is starting into a very hard week. He feels that this will be a life changing week.
There are several tests to be passed and dear old Potschochter has no energy left for learning. He is so exhausted already.
Deep down in his soul Potschochter feels that maybe this will be the time for him to realize that he probably is not meant for an education like this.
With every single breath he takes, he feels his brains perishing. He even has come to a point where he realizes that he has to let go of some expectations concearning grades. He even startet to
count the points he desperatly needs just to get through this whole mess.
So he really ponders about playing "russian roulette" by having the courage to just focus on a few topics in some subjects.
There a several subjects where he really does not know how to keep his head above water.
In school he has learned already that grades are important for a possible job in the future. So Potschochters grades are getting worse and worse.
But are the grades really the most important things in life?
Potschochter does not agree with this statement. Potschonter considers realtionships far more important than grades.
That does not mean that Potschochter quits learning. No not at all, but maybe Potschochter has to take a choice concearning what to learn in order to pass this second semester. He calculated that
he needs at least 11 points in order to get a 2 in FTBT. And he neeads at least 47 points in the upcoming test in electronics just to pass this subject. Well mechanics is a challenge for itself.
This causes Potschochter restless nights, as well.
Okay, Potschochter learned in this phase of mid-life-crisis that he is probably too old for finishing this education.
Letting go is one of the hardest things to do in life.
In one subject where Potschochter was told to create a wood cutting device, he first had to do some calulations about it. And the teacher threw a really desperate look onto Potschochter. He did
not say a word but Potschochter feels that the worst is yet to come. Well Potschochter cannot fancy how to pass a so called colloquium in this subject.
Potschochter wants to stay at this college just to learn more about computers and coding. This is something Potschochter at the moment really can fancy doing for a living. It is great fun when
you code something and the code actually works the way it should. This is that satifying to dear old Potschochter.
But no matter what the future has in store for dear old Potschochter, he actually is so blessed already. He has a loving family that really supports him and cheers him up the best it can.
Potschochter has to recall that he is a big grown tree being raised at the banks of a freshly vivid river, that represents God's love for dear old Potschochter. So nothing can split him away from
God's love. Whenever time gets too overwhelming all Potschochter has to do is turning his head away from the scary giants onto his Savior's presence. Jesus promised that he is with him
And Potschochter freely can take this word for granted.
So blessings to everyone out there. Time is getting shorter. Start to care for your souls, cause these are the ones, Potschochter really thinks, that are important more than ever. Live in peace with everyone around you. And start living a grateful life. Gratefulness is a major factor that contributes to someone's health. Don't ever unterestimate gratefulness.
Potschochter's vehicle
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