
The AHA moment-Part 1

"Wer sein Herz mit Stacheldraht umzäunt, darf sich nicht wundern, dass niemand eintritt"
This is a German proverb. I try to translate it.
"The one who surrounds his heart with barbed wire must not wonder why nobody enters it"

It perfectly fits to the experience Potschochter  made the day before. Potschochter took a picture of his neglected garden.

On the picture you hardly can see, that there is a table with two chairs. But all those plants around this table have spikes on them.
So there is no getting through.
The day before Potschochter started to remove those not really invited plants at this place of his garden. He wore gloves just made for a work like that.
But they did not really prevent Potschochter from getting stung.
As he painfully draw one single plant after the other with all the strength he could manage to invest, out of the soil,
he pictured his heart to be this table that had room for two people talking and spending qualitiy time together.
A bunch of thoughts swirrled through his mind during this job of  so called "weeding" that was obviously far too late to do.
He constantly asked himself, how did this garden got so messy?
Then he realized that he lost his ability to set the proper priorities in his life.
Then Potschochter took this picture of this wilderness as a picture of his whole life.
He considered those unwanted plants to be all those lies Potschochter believed about himself.
That he was not good enough to do anything, or that maybe his hubby did not really love him, he just stayed with him on order to get served.
That someone washes for him, and is there just in case his hubby felt lonely.
And there where different other lies preventing Potschochter to get to the real Potschochter.
Then he saw his marriage to be this abandonned place of the garden. Yes, this defenitely was a picture of his own marriage, that was way too messy and aching.
Maybe all those unwanted plants around this table were prejeduices Potschochter made about his spouse.
And so those unconsiously set statements prevented Potschochter to get to the inner heart of his spouse.
So Potschochter took all his heart and started to pick one after the other and then consiously cut them
into pieces of 10 inches maybe and whole-heartedly threw them into the basket that got fetched by the litter company the next morning.
Potschochter is not finished yet. He isn't even half way through, but he is eager to get home today to continue his "weeding".
To all this mess, Potschochter's hubby announced the possibility that they maybe get visited this week. So the pressure is high for Potschochter to clear his garden mess.
Well, this is going to be an intersting week. There is so much for Potschochter to do. How will he manage to get rid of all his unwanted plants?
Now you can fancy that this sentence mentioned in the first line really grabbed Potschochter's attention. Potschochter is sure that this line totally was adressed to Potschochter.

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