Hello everyone out there
Today Potschochter had to write a test in electronics.
It has been an outstanding experience.
And now Potschochter has the possibility of being able to write an instruction on how to blow a test, with a probalility of nearly 90 percent.
(depending on how the teacher reacts during correction of the papers)
Step One:
Show interest in this subject and really dig in.
Step two:
Do all the training examples you were given by the teacher.
Step three:
Be there for everyone who aks questions before and try to help them find the solutions.
Step four:
Stay totaly calm and nurture your feelings of being well prepared for the test by re-quecking the examples that were part of the preparation sheet.
Step six:
Smile to yourself and assure yourself, that you are going to conquer this challenge.
Step seven- the moment of revealed truth!
Get a bloody panic and take the example that provides the most points for the grades first.
Then erase all the work you've done concearning this example, because you consider this way of solving for too simple.
Switch to another example and try to solve this one, which sets another eruption of panic free.
Then start to do all the Kirchhoff's rules for solving this first electronics problem, just to find out that the time for writing this test has run out.
The instant moment Potschochter entered the door at home he had to share some tears of disappointment with himself.
He really thought that he had understood this whole subject.
But thank heaven's Potschochter's hubby who had a week off, instantly comforted him. And his daughters embraced poor old Potschochter as, well.
There are expected results in maths, as well, where Potschochter did not have a feeling of having mastered the test.
The results are due, but his teacher hasn't finished the corrections yet.
So this weekend is kinda mixed up. A few upcoming tests Potschochter wants to learn for.
Yes, Potschochter wants to learn for them, in order to have a better experience than today.
And there is a birthday party as well, that Potschochter wants to join and where he really is supposed to be.
Potschochter will add a day at his parent's for recharging his batteries, as well.
But at his very moment Potschochter wants to try to do this new project in SPS. There are a few things Potschochter wants to dig in in order to understand it properly.
Never let school grades define you as a person!!
You are God's unique master piece. And God does not make any mistakes.
There is time to laugh and a time to cry as well. But wou will never cry alone. Because Jesus mourns your losses or diappointments alongside you.
So everyone out there:
Have a blessed weekend and
"Hold your head up high"
Sincerely Potschochter's vessel
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