Yesterday was quite a tough day for dear old Potschochter.
He felt so bad because he realized that his brains will not make it through college.
He has had the possibility to take part at the x-mas gathering of his community.
There were less peolpe there than they had expected to be. But that was okay for Potschochter.
The preacher really did a great job in explaining God's present to us human beings, once more.
But a friend of Potschochter really nailed it by saying to Potschochter
that pride is the worst thing a human being can suffer from.
Potschochter never thought of himself of being pride over something.
But on Sunday it really had hit him like a meteorite from far above.
Potschochter is driven to do everything on his own. He does not want to depend on someone else.
He does not want ot share his inner most thoughts with someone who is near,
because he does not want to be a burden to someone else.
And yes Potschochter is in a way like a kid aged 3, who wants to manage to do his own shoe laces.
"I can do it on my own. Look, mommy." (And what does the mommy see?.
No nicely bound laces but a weird convolute of knots over knots that are tough to unwind.
Yesterday, Potschochter was the very first in school sitting at the tables near the buffet,
and all of a sudden one of Potschochter's class mates dropped by and really aimed to sit beside him.
And this guy has a special social art of connecting to other people by just saying, "how are you?".
Well, Potschochter did not want to tell how he really felt,
but he happened to watch himself pouring out his feelings to this guy.
And you know what? This guy really cheered him up in a way no one can really fancy.
Potschochter really felt, that God himself has captured this guy for a moment
just to let Potschochter feel that Potschochter is not alone.
God's miracle continued in a lesson named KOP.
Another guy who was forced to be Potschochter's partner
in a teamwork showed up to look after Potschochter and to answer Potschochter's questions.
As the teacher dropped by to check how far they have come doing their projects,
Potschocter opened up to this teacher by confessing, that he,
Potschochter, was at the verge of filling in the papers of quitting college.
The teacher instantly smiled and told Potschochter, that kind of" now it's too late" to sign those papers.
And the teacher explained to Potschochter where he had got his thought wrong concearning the project.
He told him eye to eye. And this teacher showed mercy to the whole class by shifting
the deadline to a date after the x-mas break.
The last lesson on this day was RT, where the students learn how to interfere with actions of devices,
by setting specific inputs to alter the behaviour of a device.
Well in this leasson they got the papers from the last test returned and Potschochter,
was astonished by the fact that he got 96 out of 100 points.
So what was Potschochter's lesson learned from yesterday?
He learned that he is not alone. All it takes is to have the courage to reach out to others.
Potschochter does not have to got through this all alone.
The quote of the week in school sounds:
"Kann man nicht drüber weg, so muss man drunter durch"(chinesisches Sprichwort)
(in English??:If you can't go over something, you have to go beneath something.)
Well to go beneath something means to Potschochter to let got of one's pride.
Because as already mentioned at the beginning.
Pride is one of the biggest obstacles in one's life.
Letting go of pride means to confess, that one needs help. As humans are known in our time,
everyone is prone to pretend to be someone who he is not. But why?
I guess, that no one wants to admit that he needs help in some point or another.
To humans, needing help is equal to being weak. But what is missed if someone stays locked inside?
Somewhere in the book of books you can read, that "it is not good for the human being to be alone.
For a single stick is easily broken. But take a bundle of sticks, you cannot break them easily."
So I guess that this is the way, the creator wants so see his kids dealing with one another.
So what is Potschochter to learn? He has to learn,
that he has to be brave enough to open up to his surrounding.
Potschochter has to try to connect to his class mates. They are in this all together!
The day after tomorrow there is an upcoming test in electronics. Well, Potschochter has to perform in a better way than he did last time.
So blessings to everyone out there.
Have a wonderful peaceful and blessed x-mas time and never forget what is celebrated on X-mas day.
It is the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ.
Bless you all out there
Potshochter's vessel
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