Hi folks
It is 3 a.m.
Potschochter has just woken up, and can't find peace for the rest of the night.
Due to a very odd dream, he has woken up and finds himself having a hard time to fall asleep again. Potschochter's heart is so full of all the things occuring in his life at the moment. All his thoughts swirl around the amazing positive changes his marital life is going through at the moment. His heart is full with gratitude and Potschochter instantly feels a need to pray for all his loved ones. It is the feeling like someone is calling him to pay attention and be at guard over those he loves. Potschochter suddenly found himself lying beside his hubby in bed, watching him sleep and listening to his snorring.
A funny thing happened. Just a few weeks ago Potschochter has been so annoyed because of his spouses snorring but now at the very moment this snorring brings peace to Potschchter's heart. So that he instantly started praying in the very depth of his heart:
"Dear Lord Jesus, you know about all the things going on in my hubby's life, about all the deamons he is struggling with. Please protect my dear husband. And to all of you mean deamons, 'fuck off in the name of Christ and leave my spouse alone.' "
(Just for further understanding: When Potschochter mentions deamons he talks about all thoughts that are not helpful for the well-being of a human being.)
Then a very strange thought occured in Potschochter's mind. He fancied himself writing the name JESUS onto small sheets of paper and hiding them around all the places that are tempting to his spouse, but where he constantly has to work. Maybe Potschochter could hide a sheet of paper saying JESUS beneath his spouses desk chair. So his hubby could not find it, for he always refuses to approach something that is below his knees.
But then Potschochter thought that this was childish, because it remindes him on practices that are used by some different so-called religons or spiritual practices.
And those things are something that Potschochter wants to keep his hands off.
So Potschochter is left pondering on how to apply God's word onto poeple who do not want to know anything about God. Potschochter feels in the very depth of his heart that the power of God's word can only unleash its power through the ears of a human being who trusts in God. So how can the restless little soul of Potschochter find a way to unleash the power of God's word without having the target of Potschochter's prayers listening to God's word?
If there is anyone out there who knows how to deal with this isse, please give me a note, so that I can pass it to Potschochter.
Thanks a lot in advance
Potschochter's vessel
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