Hi folks
Potschochter tried to make a cake.
He learned a lot by this experiment in the kitchen.
There are recepies that do not match with the baking mold Potschochter has in store for baking.
It turned out that he had way too much dough for the mold.
But Potschochter has put in the dough into the mold right up to the brim.
He luckily placed a tray underneath the mold just in case the dough started breathing.
And yes the cake started to live an breathe.
It even made a pou as you can see on the picture beneath. Never ever thought that a pou would be so delicious. ;-)
Potschochter took the pou part out of the oven and left the rest of the cake in the oven.
It tasted very good.
But it won't win a price for good looking as you can see, as well. Potschochter took some sweet powder to dress the cake, so it would get a nicer outfit.
Though it does not look like the cake in the book of recepies, it was lot of fun to Potschochter.
What is the message of today?
Outsides to not always matter. What is inside only matters. Especially in cakes ;-)
Greetings and stay blessed
Potschochter's vessel.
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