
Counting the blessings

Hi folks

It has been quite a while, since you have had the opportunity to 

get updated on dear old Potschochter`s life.

Since Potschochter had an early night yesterday, he is now up at 03:00 a.m.

Days are busy, one task chases the next.

But nights are special. Nights offer an unique opportunity to calm down a bit and

take time for your true self.


So what is going on in Potschochters' life.

Potschochter is actually counting his blessings during the last year.

First of all - his hubby who used to drink alcohol on a daily basis, and has been kind of out of bodily order,

has got struck by a blood test that obviously scared the hell out of him.

Since this test Potschochter's hubby turned away from alcohol, walks 10 kilometers on a daily basis and has lost more than 30 kilos

over a period of 1 year. Potschochter is a witness to one of God's greatest miracles of all.

He totally is in awe. And the fact, that somehow Potschochter has found a place-to-be, 

surrounded by marvellous women who he is allowed to work for has left a deep imprint unto Potschochter's life.

When Potschochter has been in school, he experienced that girls often gather to chat and gossip. So one part has been kind of

afraid to apply in an organisation merely run by women. Potschochter has been around for more than one year, and has not experienced

any typically women related tantrums, or so called bitch terrors, yet. 

There are two possibilities. God really protects Potschochter by placing him into a bubble where he can dwell safe and sound, so Potschochter does not really get to know gossips spread about him, or the second possibility and I think that this is the one that hits reality.

Only women with high standards on how to treat oneanother are working in this organisation.

Surely we are human after all.


Potschochter's younger daughter is blessed by dating a wonderful young man who actually conquered Potschochter's heart right from the first time he has met him.

Potschochter is not going to lose a daughter, but he is going to gain a son. Though the thought of letting go, actually quenches some salty liquids right from his eyes.

Those are drops filled with gratitude, feelings of being blessed but yes they are filled with self-pity because of losing a dear soul Potschochter uses to talk to and have fun with.

So Potschochter has to focus an what is left in his marriage, because when kids are going to leave the nest, the husband is still there and the only one there.

How to build a bridge over the gap that has built between this couple over the child rearing years.

This is a question that urgently needs to be answered. Potschochter uses to distract himself from those thoughts and focus on all the topics this IT world has to offer.

Just to avoid to do some emotional work. But all those feelings dwell up inside him, and yes writing has been Potschochter'S best friend ever since he can remember.

Maybe this Xmas is going to be the last Xmas the Potschochters are celebrating with the younger daughter. Maybe Xmas 2023 Potschochter's younger daughter will celebrate with her

boyfriend. Potschochter knows that parents are meant to be parents their entire life. But letting go of active parenting is kind of tricky. Potschochter has to face the hard truth, 

that he is married to a man who uses to buck up and avoid sharing his feelings. So it is up to Potschochter to care for his own mental well-being. 

Potschochter is sure that his hubby suffers from the upcoming letting go, as well. But his hubby refuses to talk about it.

So the laptop screen turns out to be Potschochter's best friend right in this moment.

All Potschochter knwows the very moment is, that he has done his best to give wings to fly to his daughter. There is still the older daughter who will stick home for a while I guess.

Hopefully she will find a mate as well. She desperately needs one though she does not know already.

Potschochter's daughters are 19 and 21. So what he heck does he expect? Callings are often menat for a period of time. And not forever.

He was called to be an active parent for two decades. Now it is time for him to change views, alte rhins mind-set and stretch for new horizons.

If your hand realeses something or seomeone it gets free to recieve something or someone.


So everyone out there reading this. If you are struggling with grief, it does not matter what kind of grief. Take your time, feel it acknowledge it and let it pass.


Blessings to everyone out there.

Potschochter's vessel











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