
Empty nest - life to come

Hi my dear not existent readers.

As you may know Potschochter will turn 49 this year.

Potschochter's daughters have found partners for their lives.

This means, that both of them spend the majority of their time with their partners.

And Potschochter is part-time empty-nester. 


In 2022 Potschochter has found a literal empty-nest while he was fetching pieces of wood

that got prae-cut to use at a fire place.

Here you can see this nest.


This year Potschochter really can experience what it means to have an empty-nest.

Yes, sometimes it is so awefully quiet in here. Potschochter's hubby is one of the kind who 

considers talking as a very painful and draining task.

So Potschochter clings to his phone, or linkedin to get some kind of distraction.

But this year Potschochter's hubby has made a small feeding place for birds that you can stick to your window.

He printed this item with his 3D printer.

So Potschochter gave it a shot.


He sticked it to the window near his desk so he can observe what is going on outside.

Weeks went by without any birdly visitors.

But guess what.

On a specific day when Potschochter really felt down and sad because of his empty nest

and when he missed his kids, the miracle happened.


A great tit payed this feeding place a visit.

Potschochter offered walnuts that are beyond expirydate, he placed lose bird food and some kind of dumplings made of fat and lose seeds.

All were placed onto the outer side of the windowsill.


Potschochter has been very patient while filming his tiny little tits.

Then he used Clipchamp from Microsoft to extract the scenes with birdly actions.

Here you can see this tiny clip.

The very moment Potschochter has spotted this first visit of this great tit, he was overflown with joy. Tears dwelled up inside him.

Because this incident has a deeper meaning to Potschochter.

It was like God himself was saying to Potschochter:


"Yes you have raised your own great tits. But your life is not over yet. Your purpose in this world has not vanished yet.

See, I will send new tits to you, that need kind of nurturing."


And guess what.

One of Potschochter's own tits who teaches younger ones in a specific subject told Potschochter of a kid who struggles with reading and speaking in German.

This kid needs someone who spend time two hours a week would be fine to help this kid.

No payments involved.


And now Potschochter really thinks about this possibility. It could be a win-win situation for both of them.

This potential kid could fill a gap that Potschochter's own tits leave, and Potschochter could be able to help a kid in need.

And maybe this is God's task and gift to Potschochter.


Potschochter has not made up his mind yet. Potschochter is praying about this issue.


Please dear non-existent reader, pray for dear old Potschochter to take the proper decision on this topic.


Stay blessed.


Potschocher's vessel




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