Erlebtes · 03. Dezember 2024
It has been quite a while since you have heard from Potschochter. Well he has been very busy the last few weeks. Today has been a very hard day for Potschochter. First he tried to fix a download error by following instructions on you tube. Well it did not work. So he was quite frustrated and his self-confidence got a huge blow. So he headed home. Then he found a new group on his WhatsApp where Potschochter was added to. The group was founded by Potschochter's hubby. The group was called...
05. September 2024
Hi folks It has been quite a while since you've had the opportunity to read about dear old Potschochter. Today has started quite weird. First, Potschochter's boss peeked in and looked at him with a smile that Potschochter could not interpret in a proper way. So he pushed it aside and concentrated on his work, trying to update an excel sheet dealing with invitations sent and who wants to join the party. It is not easy to keep it really up to date. But this is a different topic. A sudden call...
Erlebtes · 14. Januar 2024
Hi my dear not existent readers. As you may know Potschochter will turn 49 this year. Potschochter's daughters have found partners for their lives. This means, that both of them spend the majority of their time with their partners. And Potschochter is part-time empty-nester. In 2022 Potschochter has found a literal empty-nest while he was fetching pieces of wood that got prae-cut to use at a fire place. Here you can see this nest.
Philosophie · 27. August 2023
Es war mal wieder so ein Tag, an dem Potschochter mit seinem Gedanken-Karussell zu kämpfen hatte. Die Töchter bald 20 und 22, also an der Schwelle zum echten Erwachsen sein. Potschochters Lebenspartner, genauer gesagt, Ehepartner in einer Phase des bereits von einer Sucht in die andere übergegangen zu sein. Zuvor war es der Alkohol. Nun ist es der Sport. Potschochter bekam eine Einladung zur Feier einer 40 jährigen Hochzeit. Diese Einladung war von einem ganz lieben, Menschen, der...
Hi folks. It has been quite allong time since Potschochter has uttered some news of his life. So then, here we go. As you know already, Potschochter has bben lucky enough to having been hired by a really nice and warm-hearted boss. There have been days when he really struggled to get out of bed, due to his masked depression. Potschochter is a guy who lives his life to the fullest. When he is sad he thinks the whole world falls apart. But when he is happy he is the one to almost embrace...
Einsichten · 08. Dezember 2022
Hi folks It has been quite a while, since you have had the opportunity to get updated on dear old Potschochter`s life. Since Potschochter had an early night yesterday, he is now up at 03:00 a.m. Days are busy, one task chases the next. But nights are special. Nights offer an unique opportunity to calm down a bit and take time for your true self. So what is going on in Potschochters' life. Potschochter is actually counting his blessings during the last year. First of all - his hubby who used to...
03. August 2022
Hi folks It has been quite a long time since you have heard about Potschochter. Potschochter has been bold enough to stay strong and curious throug the last year. He has come to realize that there could be so many opportunities to learn and grab knowledge, if he only was brave enough to simply ask. Ask for knowledge ask for help ask for a favour ask for being heard There was one special day, where he simply was talked to and being offered a part of life by an other human being. Potschochter...
Lesson learned in Outlook and in life.
Erlebtes · 13. Februar 2022
Hi folks out there. Potschochter has been very busy lately. Yesterday the sun has managed to persuade this little guy to go outside and start doing some work in the garden. This included some work to cut lumbers into pieces with the aid of an electrical device, that reminded Potschochter of a device that he uses to cut bread into even slices. The sun was shining but it still has been cold outside. That is why he took a good amount of very cheap tissues along and mindlessly has put the into the...
Philosophie · 12. Januar 2022
Hi folks It has been quite a long time since Potschochter has uttered even a single word. Potschochter has got the opportunity to try his wings out in a half-time-job. He really does not know how this miracle was born. Nonetheless Potschochter got acquainted with lots of very nice women. Sometimes he feels like he is living in some kind of bubble, where he feels save. He is grateful for this job though it is for a determined period of time. Maybe he will learn to gain some self-confidence...