Erlebtes · 03. Dezember 2024
It has been quite a while since you have heard from Potschochter. Well he has been very busy the last few weeks. Today has been a very hard day for Potschochter. First he tried to fix a download error by following instructions on you tube. Well it did not work. So he was quite frustrated and his self-confidence got a huge blow. So he headed home. Then he found a new group on his WhatsApp where Potschochter was added to. The group was founded by Potschochter's hubby. The group was called...
Erlebtes · 14. Januar 2024
Hi my dear not existent readers. As you may know Potschochter will turn 49 this year. Potschochter's daughters have found partners for their lives. This means, that both of them spend the majority of their time with their partners. And Potschochter is part-time empty-nester. In 2022 Potschochter has found a literal empty-nest while he was fetching pieces of wood that got prae-cut to use at a fire place. Here you can see this nest.
Hi folks. It has been quite allong time since Potschochter has uttered some news of his life. So then, here we go. As you know already, Potschochter has bben lucky enough to having been hired by a really nice and warm-hearted boss. There have been days when he really struggled to get out of bed, due to his masked depression. Potschochter is a guy who lives his life to the fullest. When he is sad he thinks the whole world falls apart. But when he is happy he is the one to almost embrace...
Lesson learned in Outlook and in life.
Erlebtes · 13. Februar 2022
Hi folks out there. Potschochter has been very busy lately. Yesterday the sun has managed to persuade this little guy to go outside and start doing some work in the garden. This included some work to cut lumbers into pieces with the aid of an electrical device, that reminded Potschochter of a device that he uses to cut bread into even slices. The sun was shining but it still has been cold outside. That is why he took a good amount of very cheap tissues along and mindlessly has put the into the...
Erlebtes · 05. Oktober 2021
Hi folks It has been quite a long time since Potschochter shared some of his experiences. Well Potschochter has the privilege to try to work as an assistant in a non profit organisation, where he got hired for 20h per week. Well it has been quite a challenging time for him. Due to the fact that Potschochter has a hubby who he does not want to turn to talking about his challenges, Potschochter is forced to share with the air. Since Potschochter loves to write, he always chooses to express...
Hi folks It has been a long time since Potschochter has had the urge to tell you something. Due to all those different impressions Potschochter has been thrown into, time to write has grown less. On the 24th of June Potschochter had his first day in training to learn the abilities of a first level support agent. There are so many structures for Potschochter to learn. It all starts with Ouutlook 365. It has been quite a fight for him to import the calendars from the whole company into his own...
A short insight into a blissful moment of parenting.
Erlebtes · 13. April 2021
A picture story of Potschochter's attempts to bake a cake.
Erlebtes · 05. Januar 2021
Hi folks It is 3 a.m. Potschochter has just woken up, and can't find peace for the rest of the night. Due to a very odd dream, he has woken up and finds himself having a hard time to fall asleep again. Potschochter's heart is so full of all the things occuring in his life at the moment. All his thoughts swirl around the amazing positive changes his marital life is going through at the moment. His heart is full with gratitude and Potschochter instantly feels a need to pray for all his loved...